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Is the implementation









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發表於 2024-3-9 12:35:34 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Is the implementation phase. Put the change into practice, continue to communicate and help all employees involved. Refreezing To avoid falling back into the old way of doing things, develop a strategy to check and ensure that the change is well anchored in people's minds. Review how the new processes are working and assess how well you achieved your goals. Lewin's change management model 2. McKinsey’s 7-S model Developed by McKinsey & Company consultants, the McKinsey 7-S model consists .

Eof breaking down a change program into seven key Lebanon Phone Number Data  elements:The change strategy The structure of your business Business systems and processes Shared corporate values ​​and culture The style or way of working The employees involved The skills of your employees By identifying these key elements, we avoid neglecting important factors. change management framework Image credit: McKinsey 3. Kotter’s change management theory John Kotter, a Harvard professor and change management expert, .

Dcreated a theory called Kotter's Change Management Theory , which focuses primarily on the people involved in a change process and their psychology. He divides it into eight stages:Create a sense of urgency to motivate employees Build your change team with change managers and agents from various skills and departmentsDefine a strategic vision of what you want to accomplish Communicate with everyone involved in the change management process to engage them and ensure they know their .

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